Modpack Blackstone Block by MLDEG
- 22241
- 12.51 MB
- 1.16.5
- September 19, 2021
- December 25, 2022
- QuestsSkyblockSmall / LightTech
Name | Blackstone Block |
Author | MLDEG |
Description | Blackstone Block is an expert modpack focus around Create in a Stoneblock type environment but with blackstone. |
Information | Downloads: 22241 Version: 1.16.5 Size: 12.51 MB Updated at: December 25, 2022 Created at: September 19, 2021 |
Tags | Quests Skyblock Small / Light Tech |
Expert pack.
You start in a cave made entirely of Blackstone Block, similar to the StoneBlock modpack, your overworld is completely full of blackstone with a layer of bedrock at the top and bottom of the world.
Your only way to see the sunlight is through the alfheim portal to get to Alfheim dimension.
Lots of crafting and texture changes, for a more interesting immersion with Create.
A quest book to show you how to start your adventure and the general progression of the modpack.
Note: The quest book has few quests to keep the player focused on the game and not the quests.
The modpack has unique custom datapacks blocking players from teleporting out of a compact machine cube or even out of the Blood Magic dungeon.
This pack is not compatible with Optifine!
Minimum allocated RAM : 5-6Gb
Recommanded allocated RAM : 8-10Gb
If you're interested in hosting a server for BlackstoneBlock, click the image below!
Use the code MrMLDEG to receive 25% off your first month as a new client for any of their gaming servers. I recommend getting a plan with at LEAST 6GB of RAM for the modpack.
This modpack was created for the most part during a subathon, all was recorded on video / stream replays.
You can watch how I came up with a particular idea or just watch how I created something.
Note, however, that stream replays are in French!
- TelePastries (by Mrbysco)
- Botania (by Vazkii)
- Tinkers' Archery (by tonitetwitch)
- Villager Trades (by IchHabeHunger54)
- Click Machine (by Shadows_of_Fire)
- Flux Networks (by sonar_sonic)
- Ore Tweaker (by EwyBoy)
- Reliquary Reincarnations (by P3pp3rF1y)
- XNet Gases (by Terrails)
- Ding (by ohaiiChun)
- Project Red - Illumination (by MrTJP)
- JEI Integration (by SnowShock35)
- Mystical Customization (by BlakeBr0)
- Sophisticated Backpacks (by P3pp3rF1y)
- Tinker's Delight (by chirptheboy)
- Game Menu Mod Option [Forge] (by morimori0317)
- Polymorph (Forge) (by TheIllusiveC4)
- Mantle (by mDiyo)
- Modular Routers (by desht_08)
- Chipped (by terrariumearth)
- Materialis (by RCXcrafter)
- Wither Skeleton Tweaks (by Shadows_of_Fire)
- FTB Library (Forge) (by FTB)
- Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Food Extended (by pamharvestcraft)
- FTB Teams (Forge) (by FTB)
- Overloaded Armor Bar (by tfarecnim)
- Ex Nihilo: Sequentia (by NovaMachina)
- ItemPhysic Lite (by CreativeMD)
- Mini Utilities (by OneLemonyBoii)
- AutoRegLib (by Vazkii)
- Brandon's Core (by brandon3055)
- KubeJS (by LatvianModder)
- Draconic Evolution (by brandon3055)
- Botania: Garden of Glass (by Vazkii)
- Immersive Petroleum (by Flaxbeard)
- MythicBotany (by noeppinoeppi)
- FastFurnace (by Shadows_of_Fire)
- Controlling (by Jaredlll08)
- Thermal Innovation (by TeamCoFH)
- Corail Tombstone (by Corail_31)
- Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Trees (by pamharvestcraft)
- Item Collectors (by SuperMartijn642)
- Blueprint (by TeamAbnormals)
- Crafting Station (by tfarecnim)
- Enchantment Descriptions (by DarkhaxDev)
- TwerkItMeal - Twerk To Grow All The Things (by TicTicBoooom)
- Trash Cans (by SuperMartijn642)
- TOP Addons (by DrManganese)
- Cooking for Blockheads (by BlayTheNinth)
- 'Dustrial Decor (by BlueDuckYT)
- Mekanism Additions (by bradyaidanc)
- Titanium (by Buuz135)
- Blood Magic (by WayofTime)
- Just Enough Items (JEI) (by mezz)
- Extended Crafting (by BlakeBr0)
- FerriteCore (Forge) (by malte0811)
- Toast Control (by Shadows_of_Fire)
- RFTools Builder (by McJty)
- Extreme sound muffler (Forge) (by LeoBeliik)
- NoMoWanderer (by TheJDill)
- Baubley Heart Canisters (by traverse_joe)
- Tinkers Construct (by mDiyo)
- LibX (by noeppinoeppi)
- Akashic Tome (by Vazkii)
- RFTools Storage (by McJty)
- Applied Energistics 2 (by AlgorithmX2)
- CB Multipart (by covers1624)
- More Create Stuffs (by JerryLu086)
- Ragna Goblin (by tytan652)
- Thermal Cultivation (by TeamCoFH)
- Nature's Compass (by Chaosyr)
- CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+ (by covers1624)
- FramedBlocks (by XFactHD)
- More Overlays Updated (by RiDGo8)
- Legendary Tooltips (by Grend_G)
- Neat (by Vazkii)
- Pipez (by henkelmax)
- Storage Drawers (by Texelsaur)
- Mystical Agradditions (by BlakeBr0)
- Time in a bottle standalone (by haoict)
- Architect's Palette (by Jsburg)
- Simply Jetpacks 2 (by Tomson124)
- SuperMartijn642's Config Lib (by SuperMartijn642)
- Just Enough Resources (JER) (by way2muchnoise)
- Mekanism (by bradyaidanc)
- Mekanism Generators (by bradyaidanc)
- Flywheel (by jozufozu)
- Curios API (Forge) (by TheIllusiveC4)
- Create gear addon (by xaros74)
- Caged Mobs (by Corgam)
- Farming for Blockheads (by BlayTheNinth)
- Ender Storage 1.8.+ (by covers1624)
- RFTools Control (by McJty)
- Entangled (by SuperMartijn642)
- Lollipop (by owmii)
- Tinker's Planner (by tiffit_)
- GeckoLib (by ThanosGecko)
- Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Food Core (by pamharvestcraft)
- Dank Storage (by tfarecnim)
- Quark Oddities (by Vazkii)
- Shutup Experimental Settings! (by Corgi_Taco)
- The One Probe (by McJty)
- Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Crops (by pamharvestcraft)
- Thermal Foundation (by TeamCoFH)
- Spice of Life: Carrot Edition (by lordcazsius)
- Decorative Blocks (by stohun)
- OpenBlocks Elevator (by vsngarcia)
- ConnectedTexturesMod (by tterrag1098)
- Environmental Core (by ValkyrieofNight)
- Outvoted (by HowBoutNo)
- XNet (by McJty)
- Decorative Blocks modded compat (by Evo_934)
- Bookshelf (by DarkhaxDev)
- RFTools Utility (by McJty)
- Industrial Foregoing (by Buuz135)
- Goblin Traders (by MrCrayfish)
- Selene Lib (by MehVahdJukaar)
- Mob Grinding Utils (by vadis365)
- Ore Excavation (by Funwayguy)
- Ex Compressum (by BlayTheNinth)
- FastWorkbench (by Shadows_of_Fire)
- Oh The Biomes You'll Go (by AOCAWOL)
- Iceberg (by Grend_G)
- Torchmaster (by xalcon)
- Chisel (by tterrag1098)
- Patchouli (by Vazkii)
- Configured (by MrCrayfish)
- Health Overlay (Forge) (by Terrails)
- Quark (by Vazkii)
- Immersive Engineering (by BluSunrize)
- Crafting Tweaks (by BlayTheNinth)
- AzureDoom's Chunk Loader (by AzureDoomC)
- PackMenu (by Shadows_of_Fire)
- Applied Energistics 2 Wireless Terminals Forge (by tfarecnim)
- McJtyLib (by McJty)
- Rhino (by LatvianModder)
- RandomPatches (Forge) (by TheRandomLabs)
- AntiPortals (by BrPacks)
- Interactio - In-World Crafting with Datapacks! (by MaxNeedsSnacks)
- Construction Wand (by ThetaDev)
- Draconic Machinery (by inzhefop)
- RFTools Dimensions (by McJty)
- Powah! (by owmii)
- Create Gears (by kotakotik22)
- Create (by simibubi)
- Mystical Agriculture Tiered Crystals (by Electrolyte)
- Compact Crafting (by RobotGryphon)
- AppleSkin (by squeek502)
- Compact Machines (by davenonymous)
- Architectury API (Fabric/Forge) (by shedaniel)
- Mod Name Tooltip (by mezz)
- Environmental Tech (by ValkyrieofNight)
- Project Red - Core (by MrTJP)
- Trofers (by ochotonida)
- Mystical Adaptations (by Focamacho)
- ValkyrieLib (by ValkyrieofNight)
- Iron Furnaces [FORGE] (by XenoMustache)
- Project Red - Transmission (by MrTJP)
- Simple Discord Rich Presence (by Sunekaer)
- SuperMartijn642's Core Lib (by SuperMartijn642)
- Fast Leaf Decay (by olafskiii)
- Lemon Lib (by OneLemonyBoii)
- Iron Chests (by ProgWML6)
- Mouse Tweaks (by YaLTeR)
- Advanced Mining Dimension (by henkelmax)
- Mystical Agriculture (by BlakeBr0)
- Cucumber Library (by BlakeBr0)
- RFTools Power (by McJty)
- Create Crafts & Additions (by MRHminer)
- Dark Utilities (by DarkhaxDev)
- Clumps (by Jaredlll08)
- CobbleForDays (by LexManos)
- Botany Pots (by DarkhaxDev)
- Crash Utilities (by Darkere)
- RFTools Base (by McJty)
- Create Stuff Additions (by Furti_Two)
- Just Enough Professions (JEP) (by Mrbysco)
- TrashSlot (by BlayTheNinth)
- Skyblock Builder (by MelanX)
- CoFH Core (by TeamCoFH)
- Supplementaries (by MehVahdJukaar)
- Thermal Expansion (by TeamCoFH)
- FTB Backups (Forge) (by FTB)
- FTB Chunks (Forge) (by FTB)
- Scorge (by illyohs)
- Framed Compacting Drawers (by Eutropium)
- Placebo (by Shadows_of_Fire)
- Create Deco (by talrey)
- Metal Barrels (by tfarecnim)
- Travel Anchors (by CastCrafter)
- Building Gadgets (by Direwolf20)
- BetterEnd (Forge) (by Beethoven92)
- Hardcore Questing Mode [FORGE/FABRIC] (by LordDusk)
- Runelic (by DarkhaxDev)
- The Endergetic Expansion (by TeamAbnormals)
- Engineer's Decor (by wilechaote)
Be aware that the discord has more French members, since we are French.
But we have separated the French and English categories, so everyone is welcome.
Click on the Logo below.
My good friend, Bideogemu, made a github page to make a Docker server with Blackstone Block.
Click on the image below.